This can not happen to me

I took the bread crumb and wet it in the puddle to soften it, I took it to the mouth and fighting not to throw up to be able to eat it I finished with it. I lay back and thought of the good times. I settled for the fragments of sleep that allowed me the screams of a child in the store next door. He was there with my family before the Great Disaster. They were in the sun on a festive Friday. That day they ate dates and honey with milk. Everything was propitious: the footwear business was going well, its teenage children were intelligent and showed a moral character and compassionate in the duties. My wife, Africa, smiled at me under the shadow of a cloth that filtered the light and removed the soft wrinkles that already affected her face showing it without defects. I fell in love with her again. He had a newspaper in his hands and looked at him distracted from right to left. There were images of a politician who was beginning to annoy me for his speeches full of calls to values from which only violence could be expected. Everyone said that he had nothing to do, that he would lose. I do not know, I thought. I took off the slipper that my sister-in-law had given me and let the water in the small arm band wet my skin. We were all in white to celebrate that on that day as today twenty years ago we also all wore white dresses at our wedding. It lasted three days because of my father-in-law who had a property full of dunes and palm trees. What happiness…

I woke up abruptly with an explosion. A group of men dressed in black shouted out to foreigners! in English. They assumed we knew English and they wanted us to be afraid in advance. They beat us for a while and broke down some tents. They laughed as they kicked. The reporters filmed the scene looking for a good photo to win a prize. After a while they left us alone to comfort us. The wounded lamented and the children shouted. Soon a group of police appeared and explained that if we talked with our families on the cell phone, we must told them not to come more here because life was impossible. It was already enough. Soon they would start shooting at those who came to the shores. I had no family to call. I had no cell phone, either. Africa took him when he fell into the sea while I was passed out at the bottom of the boat with which we crossed the sea.

Sad remembered when the news coming from Greece about the Syrian refugees filled the news. I had subscribed to Doctors Without Borders, Save the Children and Amnesty International to calm my conscience and be able to continue my work. I could not imagine that this politician could win. He suspended the Constitution. My children started going to demonstrations against him. They were located and one night they came to catch them. Our anguish was horrible. We fell suddenly into a black well. We started visiting jails. Anti-government groups were formed. France helped them and the skirmishes began. We never found our children and my wife and I paid for a spot on a boat in Santa Pola and arrived in Morocco three days later alone. Now I will go out on the newsreels of countries in provisional peace. Surely I will look dangerous and undesirable by my appearance. I hope no journalist will give me the opportunity to throw out all my bile. The survivors of the camp have got a face of astonishment that is superimposed to the one of fear or hunger. My name is Juan Garcia and I never thought this could happen to me.

Ikea is an “orthodox” company

This morning in only a piece of news two behaviors worthy of reflection have gathered. The company Ikea has launched a special catalog of its products for the home intended for Orthodox Jews. There are no women, no girls. Only men and boys. The reason has been that the orthodox community was scandalized with standard catalogs showing families with father, mother and children. The first behavior to analyze is that of this great international company that adapts so well to the needs of its customers. What does not surprise us seeing how other large corporations accept censorship in China or give data to governments. What do you want an orthodox catalog? there is. What does this reinforce the position of submission of women in that morbid world of Jewish orthodoxy. And so what? Who are we to interfere in the culture of a community? In fact the statement of the company was: “also allow the religious and orthodox public to enjoy the products and solutions according to their customs and lifestyle.” As you can see a respect unworthy of respect. This concept of culture based on the number of those who practice behavior is ethnographic, museum. The lack of commitment of the big corporations with certain transcendental values is a calamity for humanity. In a scene from The Godfather an actor just before shooting at the head of an opponent tells him “it’s nothing personal” although perhaps in the original version the phrase was “it’s business”. Be that as it may, although relativists reject the very concept of value or ethics, it is easy to convince them that there are a handful of fundamentally human values and, of course, respect the woman is among them. As is the rejection of ablation or torture. The individual human being must be respected beyond any consideration in his physical and psychic integrity. No “culture” that violates this elementary law of humanity can claim respect for its special ways of understanding the world. And hiding women is an unforgivable and very unorthodox violation today. Ikea is not the only one, because our Spanish Zara has apologized to the Orthodox community for mixing cotton and linen, which would enter into the cultural eccentricities that can be accepted, but that is the beginning of the slope that leads, As Thomas De Quincey said in the free version of “from the murder to unpunctuality.”

But if the company has not found a way to reject, even as clients, this strange culture in which women exist only for the clandestine enjoyment of men, what about the Orthodox Jews themselves who live and encourage them . Let no one waste time looking for anti-Semitism here, but it is really disheartening that from the catacombs of the times of biblical patriarchy is alive in a position so primitive and inhuman. Orthodox Jews represent 10% of the Israeli population but their political presence is felt in the country’s governance given the fragmentation of the Knesset (Israeli parliament). Hasidis come from the diaspora of Eastern Europe and are a drag on any agreement with the Arab world that brings peace to those who like the Jews and Arabs have suffered and have so much in common. A pity when the world so much has to thank the Jewish intelligence represented by such extraordinary scientists as Albert Einstein, intellectuals like George Steiner or musicians like Leonard Bernstein.

Entrepreneur and hypercomfort

Recently an intentional article on the impact of technology (the modern paradoxical dystopia) ironized on how to solve the paradox that the economic system needs consumers but at the same time eliminates them when replacing the workers by robots. It talked about the enormous amount of time that consumers must use in favor of the efficiency of the competitiveness looking for the best offers of products and services. The conclusion was that if the production does away with the workers but needs them with sufficient income to consume what was produced, a potential occupation was to devote the day to looking for the best prices and characteristics to consume next. Obviously this should involve obtaining income for this task to be able to buy products and consume services theoretically produced and supplied by robots. In short, human activity, with the exception of an elite of scientists and software engineers and automation necessary to feed intelligence and maintain the Great Machine, would consist in provoking the efficiency of companies and their strategies.

But since giving money in return for this task I do not think is in the minds of planners of global productive structures, an alternative way of transferring income to citizens in a more conventional way is by challenging them to invent new forms of services, preroduction of those conventionally necessary will be automated. If this is so, it would explain the movement of entrepreneurs, whose reason for being would be to find excuses to have the right to get incomes. This would kill two birds with the same stone, because capitalist morality would be satisfied to give money to those who work and, on the other hand, the Great Machine would be tracked to diversify their products. That is to say, you think of some need as frivolous as it seems to you (search your confessional tendencies or not) and propose it to a bank to finance a company that puts its need into a bond that makes it attractive for a sufficient number of people to allow the profitability of the business. Obviously, the great classics like the culture only admit creative refinement, but not to be invented because luckily it is secular.

Do not lose sight of the fact that economics is a zero-sum game: If money represents the wealth generated, it will be a constant for each period. Thus, the one who goes to some hands will come out of others. The effectiveness of the system requires the possibility that the one that best serves the society by making proposals of consumption or solution of more known problems obtains more money, but, at the same time, it would have to have a limit to that concentration so as not to create idle nuclei that will paralyze the surplus money and would spend it in its most extravagant fantasies of luxury and pleasure. Then we need a certain luxury to have a carrot and to have the fiscal stick ready to limit the loss of effectiveness of the surplus capital. Naturally, a strategy must be in place to ensure that the commons are not subject to expellation to avoid un environmental suicide. We will see whether the state (increasingly weakened) or renewed formulas of collective action that have to deal with the common (see Common, Review (3)), where the zero-sum approach is inadmissible.

In short, the citizen does not consume if he has no income. As it seems that there is no intention to provide incomes pro bono, for the supposed danger of indolence, subsidized laziness and general abandonment, then the proposal is “do it for yourself”. From this pressure on the capacity to imagine new needs and materialize them in the form of mutual services will turn out a state of exorbitant comfort that we can call “hypercomfort” with which we will have justified the title of this article. The great danger will be that this way of life accelerates the bite to the Earth apple and that, at the same time, this hypercomfort foster scandalously the basic deficiencies of great part of the humanity. We’ll see.

Inglés de andar por casa

Las frases en inglés que siguen están tomadas de fuentes diversas como series de televisión, películas y lecturas de libros. Es un conjunto heterogéneo, pero creo que ayudará a aquellos que, teniendo un buena base gramatical y, por tanto, sin complejos formales, necesitan frases usadas con normalidad. No están todas las que tengo. Poco a poco (step by step). Ah!, la traducción es libre.


  • I haven’t seen you in ages = No te he visto de hace siglos
  • Meet Kate? = ¿Conoces a Kate?
  • Likewise = igualmente (devolviendo un saludo)


  • It’s time we left = Debemos irnos
  • I don’t wanna keep you = No os voy a retener
  • I no longer require your service = No necesito más de tus servicios
  • Let’s go as long as you are ready = Vamonos si estás preparado
  • I guess, I should go = Supongo, que debo irme


  • Fancy come to have a drink? = ¿Te apetece beber algo?
  • He’s so pally = Es muy amistoso
  • Use mine = Use el mío
  • Are you unattached? = ¿Estás sin compromiso?
  • All right mate? = ¿Todo bien, colega?
  • I live on my own = Vivo solo
  • A big night out! = ¡una quedada estupenda!
  • Just a quiet one with workmates… = Aquí estamos con unos colegas…
  • This is someone we’re going to have used to = Es alguien a quien tenemos que acostumbrarnos
  • You have sealed the deal = Has cerrado el pacto
  • Mary, think we could meet tonight? = ¿María, crees que podemos vernos esta noche?
  • I could probably do half an hour = Podría tener media hora
  • Thanks for making the time = Gracias por hacer tiempo


  • You couldn’t bear to be as any one = No soportabas ser como otro cualquiera
  • You got fat = Has engordado
  • There’s a lot to arrange and no time = Hay mucho que hacer y no tenemos tiempo
  • Don’t mess me about! = ¡No me líes!
  • She scared the life out of me = Me dió un susto de muerte
  • A bit weird… = un poco extraño…
  • I can’t say I blame you, mate = No te culpo, colega
  • Take the reins, man! = ¡Toma las riendas, hombre!
  • You’ve messed up. I hope you learn quickly = Lo has estropeado. Espero que aprendas rápido.
  • She  refuses to yield her secrets unless she is factored in and given her due = Se niega a entregar sus secretos a menos que sea tomada en consideración y tratada como se merece
  • He is longer than they used to be = Está tardando más de la cuenta
  • To what purpose have you done this? = ¿Con qué propósito has hecho esto?
  • Sooner or later you’ll regret having done it = Antes o después lo lamentarás
  • You’ve done on purpose = lo has hecho adrede
  • This is not quite what I meant = Esto no es exactamente lo que suponía
  • Your are supposed to be on lookout = Se supone que estabas vigilando
  • No one of which matters = Nada de lo cual importa
  • You’re kind of not invited = Eres algo así como un no invitado
  • She has laid bare the secret = Ha dejado al descubierto el secreto
  • Everything is blamed on… = Todo es culpa de…
  • It’s very important not to rush into things... = Es muy importante no tomar decisiones irreflexivas sobre las cosas…
  • You’re letting them off the hook = Estás dejándolos escapar
  • The way you do this was bloodless = Has hecho esto sin sangre


  • A word of advise? = ¿Un aviso?
  • She’s back for good = Ella ha vuelto para siempre
  • That’s the way things are supposed to be = Así van a ser las cosas
  • We’d better let’s not go there = Mejor no tocamos ese tema
  • We’d better avoid the cliff edge… = Mejor evitamos el barranco
  • I mean it = Lo digo en serio


  • I should never stuck my nose in = nunca debería haber metido mis narices
  • I never meant for things to get out of hands = nunca pensé que las cosas se irían de las manos
  • I was stuck in traffic = Estaba atrapado en el tráfico
  • I’m scared = Estoy asustado
  • I get them mixed up = Los confundo
  • I can’t get rid of… = no puedo librarme de…
  • Don’t get me wrong! = ¡No me malinterpretes!
  • Sorry, I’ve some rather pressing business = Lo siento, tengo cosas urgentes que hacer
  • Sorry, but It clashes with my principles = Perdona, pero choca con mis principios
  • Sorry John, can I borrow you? = ¿Perdona Juan, puedo tomarte prestado?
  • I’m out of my depth = Me siento incapaz
  • I might have done another thing, but… = Yo habría hecho otra cosa, pero…


  • Take a while! = ¡Un momento!
  • Hold on! = ¡Espera!
  • No more kicking off! = ¡No más salidas de tono!
  • You don’t fool me! = ¡No me engañas!
  • Haven’t you messed up enough time? = ¿No has enredado ya suficiente?
  • I’ll ease the pressure here! = ¡Aliviaré la tensión aquí!
  • Don’t worry, I’ll clear my mind! = ¡No te preocupes, me aclararé!
  • Stop fussing! = ¡Para de enredar!
  • Nothing for you to worry about = No ocurre nada que deba preocuparte
  • Don’t lie to me! = ¡No me mientas!
  • No arguments! = ¡Sin discusiones!
  • I won’t have you telling me what to do = No quiero que me digas lo tengo que hacer
  • First, We have to tie some loose ends =  Primero, tenemos que atar algunos cabos sueltos.


  • Out of sight out of mind = Ojos que no ven, corazón que no siente
  • Kick something into the long grass = esconder algo bajo la alfombra
  • The last straw = La gota que colma el vaso
  • To get the wrong end of the stick = Coger la sartén por donde quema
  • To beat around the bush = Marear la perdiz
  • Let the sleeping dogs lie = No remuevas las cosas
  • You reap what you sow = Recoges lo que cosechas


  • What happens, happens = A lo hecho, pecho
  • Heads or tails = Cara o cruz
  • This is out of place = Esto está fuera de lugar
  • We’ll cross that bridge when we get there = Nos ocuparemos de ese asunto cuando se presente
  • All still! = ¡quietos! (el fotógrafo a la gente)
  • But, be that as it may… = Pero, sea como sea…
  • Next leap of the creature… = Visto y no visto…
  • It is worth bearing in mind… = Merece la pena tener presente…
  • Let’s call it = llamémoslo así
  • Eat humble pie = comulgar con ruedas de molina
  • I fear the Greeks even when they bring gifts = No me fío de ellos aunque vengan sonriendo (referencia al caballo de Troya)
  • Fire away! = ¡Dispara! (¡Dilo de una vez!)
  • Man cannot live by bread alone = No sólo de pan vive el hombre
  • Is there a better offer? = ¿Quién da más?
  • To back to the square one = volver a la casilla de partida (al principio)
  • Ayes and Noes = Sies y noes (en una votación)
  • Takes Office = Tomar posesión
  • In due course = a su debido tiempo
  • What is at stake… = Lo que está en juego…
  • In the blink of an eye = En un abrir y cerrar de ojos
  • Words of mouth = boca a boca (transmisión de información)


  • Getting hot in here = Hace calor aquí
  • I’m all ears = Soy todo oídos
  • It is a cruel God up there = Dios es cruel
  • Bad day, was it = Mal día ¿no?
  • Done here! = ¡hemos acabado!
  • If you can, you should = Si puedes hacerlo, debes hacerlo
  • It was taken! = ¡Ha volado!
  • Mind you! = ¡Cuídate!
  • Come to think of it = ¡Ahora que caigo!
  • A matter of time = Cuestión de tiempo
  • Surely, this mean there’s… = Seguramente, esto quiere decir…
  • They do not age prematurely = no envejecen prematuramente
  • This is a set phrase = Esto es una frase hecha
  • To put some strings = Echar mano de influencias
  • We have to resort to… = Tuvimos que recurrir a…
  • To stand a chance = Tener una oportunidad
  • To start from scratch again = empezar de cero otra vez
  • Ups and downs = Altibajos
  • To have a shot of doing something = Tener la oportunidad de hacer algo
  • Living aside that… = Dejando aparte eso
  • It escapes us all = Se nos ha escapado a todos
  • Reality has a way of catching up with you = La realidad sabe como hacer que pongas los pies en la tierra
  • If you get my meaning… = ¡Entiéndeme!
  • I’m wavering whether stay here or go to Europe = Estoy dudando si quedarme aquí o irme a Europa
  • No amount of huffing and puffing… = Por mucho que resoples
  • There is nothing unusual, let alone amiss = No hay nada inusual, mucho menos errónea.


  • Come with me either of you! = ¡Venid conmigo cualquiera de los dos!
  • The three of you will club them together = Los tres le golpeáis al mismo tiempo
  • Fix a drink for her! = ¡Prepárale una bebida!
  • Give me some weight = Apóyate en mí
  • Split up! ? = Dividamonos (en una búsqueda)
  • Name it! = ¡Dime!


  • About earlier = acerca de lo de antes
  • Which was it? = ¿Qué ha sido eso?
  • By and large = En general
  • Part and parcel = Parte inherente, intrínseco
  • In recent months = En los últimos meses
  • Every other day = Un día sí y otro no
  • For the time being = Por ahora
  • In the long run = A la larga
  • Just in case = Por si acaso
  • On account of… = A causa de…
  • Safe and sound = Sano y salvo
  • Keep in mind that… = Ten en cuenta que…
  • I remind you = Te recuerdo
  • Go ahead, speak! = ¡Sigue, habla!
  • Which bring me to my question = Lo que me trae a la cuestión
  • Regarding… = Respecto a…
  • Regardless… = Independientemente de…
  • First of all… =Antes de nada…
  • Lastly… = Finalmente…
  • Moving on… = Cambiando de tema…
  • Actually… = Realmente…
  • To return to the previous point …= Volviendo al punto anterior…
  • For instance… = Por ejemplo…
  • Briefly… = En resumen…
  • On the whole… = Todo considerado…
  • Honestly… = Honradamente…
  • Therefore… = Por los tanto…
  • Despite this… = A pesar de esto…
  • On the one/second hand… = De una/otra parte…
  • Granted that… = Dado que…
  • Moreover… = Adicionalmente…
  • So to speak… = Por así decir…
  • I Reckon that… = Estimo que…
  • Sort of… = algo así como…
  • Let me see… = Déjeme ver…
  • As a matter of fact… = De hecho…
  • In principle… = En principio…
  • On ground of… = En base a


  • Damn it! = ¡Maldición!
  • What the hell? = ¿Qué demonios?
  • Jesus Christ! = ¡Dios! (versión educada)
  • To no avail! = ¡Es en vano!
  • I’m pissed off = Estoy cabreado


  • Has she found any? = ¿Ha encontrado alguna?
  • Who else is up there? = ¿Quién más hay ahí arriba?
  • How did you know? Things seen. ¿Cómo lo supiste?. Era evidente.
  • What’s up? = ¿Qué pasa? (preocupado o agresivo)
  • So what? = ¿Y qué?
  • Whatever for? = ¿Con qué objeto?
  • How far dare you go? = ¿Hasta dónde te atreves a ir?
  • Do you think in the light of the new information that…? = ¿Cree usted a la luz de la nueva información que…?
  • How much time left? = ¿Cuánto tiempo queda? We have two minutes left = nos quedan cinco minutos.


  • Nothing’s up = no pasa nada (modesto o agresivo)
  • It having nothing to do with… = No tiene nada que ver con…
  • The important point to make here is… = De lo que hay que hablar (tratar) es…
  • You was bossing the team = tu eras el jefe del equipo
  • They have 20 years age-gap = Se llevan 20 años de diferencia
  • … worth it though =… pero ha merecido la pena
  • I think you’ll manage = Creo que te arreglarás
  • I’d wager = apostaría
  • She must be scared half to death = Ella debe estar muerta de miedo
  • We are running out of time = Estamos perdiendo el tiempo
  • There are a lot of stuff for you to get stuck into = Hay un montón de cosas que te han de interesar


  • Aren’t there the pills? = ¿No hay pastillas?
  • I need a pay rise = Necesito un aumento de sueldo


  • You have helped with 4 £, which is loads = Has ayudado con 4 libras, lo que es mucho
  • She does her best = Hace lo mejor que puede


  • Why do I get the feeling…? = ¿Por qué tengo la impresión…  ?
  • I have but a few moments left = Sólo me tengo un momento
  • It’s interesting for sure = Es interesante sin duda


  • I’ve barely noticed your absence = Apenas he notado tu ausencia
  • No one of which matters = Ninguno de ellos importa un ardite


  • Mind your head! = ¡Cuidado con la cabeza!
  • Jack’s ill. Not coming in = Santiago está enfermo. No ha venido
  • You’re bluffing! = ¡Vas de farol!


  • You miss it? = ¿Lo echas de menos?
  • There’s no easy way to say this = Esto no es fácil de decir


  • You need stick to coffee for a while = Necesitas agarrarte al café un rato
  • We will come out ahead = Saldremos adelante


abhor (aborrecer) – acumen (perspicacia) – adroit (hábil) – affidavit (declaración jurada) – afoul (afuera) – aired (ventilado) – alacrity (prontitud) – ambushed (emboscado) – anvil (yunque) – awe (temor) – backlash (reacción) – bailout (rescate)- benighted (ignorante) – berate (regañar) – besieged (sitiado) – bold (audaz) – borderline (límite) – bounce (rebotar) – bound (ligado) – bluffing (farol) – braid (trenza) – brawler (alborotador) – breach (incumplimiento) – brunch (almuerzo) – bullies (matones) – bundle (haz) – burden (carga) – chides (reprender) – clash (choque) – creed (credo) – creepy (horripilante) – customary (habitual) – crunch (crujido) – defying (desobedecer) – deflect (cambiar) – despondent (abatido) – dilute (diluido) – dim (oscuro) – disclosure (revelación) – disgrace (desgracia) – dismiss (cesar) – ditch (zanja) – divest (despojar) – donor (donante) – downsizing (reducir) – dubbed film (doblaje) – dwell (habitar) – eerily (extrañamente) – embold (envalentonar) – embroiled (embrollado) – enclosure (recinto) – endowment (dotación) – engulfs (engullidos) – enthused (entusiasmado) – farce (farsa) – feud (feudo) – flattered (halagada) – freed (liberado) – garish (llamativo) – glimpse (vislumbrar) – grabbed  (agarrar) – grilling (tercer grado) – groove (ranura) – harsh (duro) – healing (curación) – hints (sugerencias) – leake (filtrar) – hoodie (capucha) – mogul (magnate) – moot (discutible) – mulls (reflexionar) – nukes (armas nucleares) – oath (juramento) – odds (posibilidades) – offspring (descendencia) – ousted (derrocado) – outreach (superar a) – overblow (marchito) – partisan (partidista) – pervasive (penetrante) – pledge (promesa) – plight (situación) – pounce (saltar) – pounding (golpeteo) – praises (alabanzas) – prowess (valor) – proxy (apoderado) – purview (competencia) – queer (raro) – rambling  (trepador) – raw (crudo) – rebuked (reprendido) – reckless (temerario) – regardless (independientemente) – relentless (implacable) – reveneu (ingresos) – rigged election (elecciones amañadas) – row (bronca) – ruling (decisión) – sack (despedir) – setback (revés) – shatter (destrozar) – scapegoating  (chivo expiatorio) – scrappy (deshilvanado) – seized (apoderado) – sharped (brusco) – showcase (escaparate) – shrouded (envuelto) – slammed (golpeado) – snubs (desprecios) – soaking (remojo) – sobriquet (mote) – social fabric (tejido social) – sprawling (desmadejado) – squalor (miseria) – stalking (acecho) – stark (rígido) – stifling (sofocante) – stir (remover) – straddling (a horcajadas) – strainghtforward (sencillo) – stripped (despojado) – swamped (inundado) –sweetener (edulcorante) – sweeping (barrido) – swiftly (rapidamente) – swipe (golpe fuerte) – tampering (manipulación) – teases (bromas) – tidbit (golosinas) – touting (alabando) – treachery (traición) – trigger (desencadenar) – unbeknownst (sin saberlo) – unsettling (inquietante) – upheaval (convulsión) – upheld (confirmado) – uphold  (defender) – utter (pronunciar) – vessel (buque) – vetting (investigando) – vowed (jurado) – vows (votos) – waging (librando) – wailing (gemidos) – warrant (orden legal) – wee (pequeñito) – weigh in on (sopesar) – widen (ensanchar) – windding up (liquidación) – yield (rendimiento)



  • blow up = ampliar una imagen, inflar
  • break up = romper una relación
  • use up = gastar, acabarse
  • catch up = ponerse a nivel, alcanzar
  • come/go up = acercarse
  • make up = inventar, reconciliarse
  • come up with = ocurrirse
  • take up = empezar una relación
  • sign up = matricularse, apuntarse
  • dress up = vestirse elegante, disfrazarse (figurado)
  • look up = buscar referencias
  • bring up = criarse (un niño)
  • curl up = acurrucarse


  • lie down = tumbarse
  • jot down = apuntar con rapidez (un teléfono…)
  • break down = averiarse, fracasar, desglosar
  • turn down = rechazar


  • break in = entrar a robar con violencia
  • take in = asimilar, comprender
  • fill in = sustituir, rellenar
  • hand in = entregar
  • drop in = ir de visita
  • put in = meter
  • push in = colarse (en una cola)
  • butt in = interrumpir
  • bump in = toparse, chocarse
  • look into = investigar
  • run into = tropezarse, encontrarse por sorpresa


  • give out = repartir
  • go out = apagarse
  • put out = apagar
  • bring out = lanzar, salir, sacar (una publicación)
  • back out = dejar de respaldar
  • drop out = dejar los estudios
  • rule out = descartar
  • figure out = descifrar, averiguar, resolver
  • find out = enterarse, informarse, descubrir
  • take out = sacar (la basura), quitar (un diente)
  • run out = agotarse, quedarse sin (batería), vencer un plazo
  • turn out = resultar, salir bien
  • leave out = omitir, excluir (se)
  • pass out = desmayarse
  • sort out = resolver
  • single out = señalar, individualizar
  • lash out = arremeter


  • leave on = dejarse encendido
  • carry on = seguir adelante
  • keep on = no parar, seguir haciendo algo
  • go on = no parar de hablar
  • put on = ponerse una prenda
  • try on = probarse una prenda
  • have on = llevar puesta un prenda
  • get on with = llevarse bien con alguien
  • let on = desvelar
  • take on = hacerse cargo de algo
  • walk on = seguir caminando


  • go off = sonar (una alarma), repicar (una campana)
  • go off = estropearse alimentos
  • pay off = dar resultado
  • take off = quitarse un prenda
  • set off = salir de viaje
  • call off = suspender un acto
  • put off = posponer, aplazar un acto
  • wear off = disiparse, desvanecerse
  • give off = emitir (energía), despedir (humo, olor)
  • pull off = lograr
  • rushed off = apresurarse


  • take over = tomar posesión, hacerse con el control
  • screw over = arruinar


  • give away = revelar un secreto
  • take away = olvidar, quitar


  • beat, beat, beaten = batir (deporte), sacudir (alfombra)
  • bend, bent, bent = doblar
  • bind, bound, bound = encuadernar
  • bite, bit, bitten = morder, picar
  • blow, blew, blown = soplar, desaprovechar
  • bread, bred, bred = criar
  • burn, burnt, burnt = quemarse, arder
  • burst, burst, burst = reventar
  • cling, clung, clung = aferrarse
  • dig, dug, dug = cavar
  • disprove, disproved, disproven = refutar
  • dive, dove, dived = bucear, tirarse de cabeza
  • forsake, forsook, forsaken = abandonar
  • freeze, froze, frozen = congelar
  • kneel, knelt, knelt = arrodillarse
  • lean, leant, leant = apoyarse, inclinarse
  • leap, leapt, leapt = saltar
  • mean, meant, meant = significar, querer decir
  • mislay, mislaid, mislaid = traspapelar, extraviar
  • mislead, misled, misled = confundir a alguien
  • mistake, mistook, mistaken = confundir (personas)
  • outgrow, outgrew, outgrown = quedar pequeña (una prenda)
  • overdo, overdid, overdone = pasarse (con el vino), exagerar
  • overhear, overheard, overheard = oir por casualidad
  • overtake, overtook, overtaken = adelantar
  • plead, pled, pled = suplicar
  • prove, proved, proven = demostrar
  • rise, rose, risen = subir, levantarse
  • sew, sewed, sewn = coser
  • shed, shed, shed = mudar la piel
  • sneak, snuck, snuck = entrar a hurtadillas
  • sow, sowed, sown = sembrar
  • spread, spread, spread = untar, extender
  • stink, stank, stunk = apestar
  • strive, strove, striven = esforzarse, luchar
  • swear, swore, sworn = decir palabrotas
  • swell, swelled, swollen = hincharse
  • tear, tore, torn = rasgar (un papel o tela)
  • typecast, typecast, typecast = encasillar
  • unwind, unwound, unwound = desenrollar
  • undo, undid, undone = desatar
  • weave, wove, woven = tejer
  • weep, wept, wept = llorar
  • wet, wet, wet = mojar
  • withdraw, withdrew, withdrown = retirarse (en una batalla), retirar (dinero)
  • withhold, withheld, withheld = No revelar, retener
  • wring, wrung, wrung = escurrir


  • ability at
  • afraid of
  • agree with/on/about/to
  • angry with/about
  • apologize for
  • arrive at/in
  • bad at
  • believe in
  • believe
  • clever at
  • call after
  • congratulate on
  • crash into
  • depend on
  • different from
  • difficulty with
  • disappointed with/at/about
  • discussion about (something)
  • discuss
  • divide into
  • dream of/about
  • dress in
  • drive into (a tree)
  • example of
  • explain (something to somebody)
  • good at
  • the idea of
  • ill with
  • impressed with/by
  • independent of
  • insist on
  • interest in
  • kind to me/her/you…
  • laugh at
  • listen to
  • look at/after/for
  • marriage to
  • nice to
  • pay for
  • pleased with/about/at
  • polite to
  • prevent (me from resting)
  • proof of (your friendship)
  • reason for
  • remind of
  • responsible for
  • rude to
  • run into
  • search for
  • search
  • shocked by/at
  • shout at (aggressive)
  • shout to
  • smile at
  • sorry for/about
  • suffer from
  • surprised at/by
  • take part in
  • think of/about (studying engineering)
  • the thought of
  • throw at (aggressive)
  • throw to (sport)
  • typical of
  • wrong with

Obama or the difficulty of doing the good

Obama has one foot out of the White House. His term has been between two presidents that have done and vowed to do things as bad as possible for their country and the world in general. I am quite interested in knowing why american people have tied Obama’s hands with their vote to elect Congress and Senate doing near impossible to develop their politics when barely months before had elected him with a huge majority.

Anyway, everything is going to be very complicate in the future due to the end of the USA election process. A flood of worrisome news is coming. What to say about the appointment of the new cabinet? Each one is a deep concern in every great problem the world has: climate change, Health of the poorest, violence in schools and violence of police officials. What a paradox that a majority of Trump’s voters are going to suffer his policies. How much hostility, hubris and boasting showed the president elected in his first conference. On the contrary, how much politeness, kindness and intelligence has been showed by Obama till his end of term. American people and the rest of the world will miss Barak.  A great loss in the years coming.

Maybe there are people who don’t matter to have a well educated man on the summit. People that don’t understand the importance of exemplarity. The way the high echelons do things, so ordinary people will do. Therefore we must to be prepare for a wave of bad guys doing and saying bad things. Obama have been an example of how a great man on the summit have to behave. Moreover he has been an example of dignity facing tough duty against terrorism and, paradoxically fighting with his opponent into the US congress and senate when he tried to change things on favour of vulnerable people.

His speeches will be remembered many years after he leave behind the White House. Its have been a great pieces of oratory that for sure we will miss. Neither the previous president did nor the next will deliver us something alike.

His compatriots, unless those that love culture as a whole pack of compassion and mutual friendship, feel that he heard them because he felt true respect to them. Even foreign people beyond the sea have felt him as authentic world leader. In a way we all will be orphan, even though America have to change a great deal to help the world solve big problems as inequality, tax haven or climate change. He have honestly tried. I hope he will follow helping the world to solve this crucial issues with steady hands.

Good Luck Mr. Obama, dear Barack


Olivia, dear granddaughter

You will know that everyone recognizes the olive branch as a symbol of peace that a dove carries in the beak around the world looking for where to rest. The pigeon has been flying for centuries without rest because it has not yet achieved a day with universal peace. Like the light of the Little Lampposts of the Little Prince (you will read), they turn on and off without ceasing around the world. Your birth today with millions of other children is again reason for hope.

You are born at Christmas, which, for us, is the time to celebrate peace. You have a lifetime to choose your destiny. It will depend on you to choose. But, in addition, everyone around you will make it possible with our dedication and love. Your father Moses, who does not fear the waters, your mother Valentina, who fears nothing; Your grandfathers María José and Francisco Javier, who guarantee you love and poetry; Your grandparents Asuncion and Antonio, who guarantee you love and heaviness; Your uncles Bernardo and Carlos who guarantee what you ask them.

You are a child in a time when, at last, we are learning, men and women to appreciate the great luck that what is not a male is so wonderful. You can be a painter the soccer player, actress or lawyer, poetess or waitress, architect or mason, astronaut or miner, priestess or co-worker, happy or happy. Nothing will be free. It will take effort. Also of luck, but, especially of your intelligent effort. Whatever, be for your happiness and that of people. Whatever you do, do well and do not look away when your immediate or immediate support is needed. Of charity or politics, of hope or consolation.

You’re born Olivia in the midst of a bunch of newbies who look at you in amazement and hesitation. None of us has ever had granddaughter or niece before. But do not worry that your mother reads everything and your father solves everything. Your beauty should not miss you, because your mother is beautiful and your father does not interfere. Your resolution should not surprise you, because your father is strong and your mother does not interfere. Your kindness should not surprise you, because your parents are good and your grandparents and uncles do not interfere. Your intelligence should not miss you, because … Use everything to make the world better.

You are born, little girl, so your grandparents can close the virtuous circle of life. If we were trembling parents, we are now expectant grandparents with an attentive and expert look. We will observe how you grow, how you learn, how you love us and how you will leave us when you fly high, high as the dove with your olive branch saying “goodbye, thank you grandfathers, I will do what I can.” Actually we will leave when our time is up, but you, you will stay to live, to exercise, to be a mother and then a grandmother. And that day look for this paper inside a bottle floating in the Sea of Internet (you will know), also look for some photo of us and remind us. Thus we will live in you a little more, Olivia, beloved granddaughter.

Architecture crisis

In his book “Studies on tectonic culture,” Kenneth Frampton says the following:

“In this context (exaltation of capitalism) is regrettable that the European Community sponsor architecture while causing his death, as is apparent from its relentless proposal of a single market, regardless of their cultural costs. This economic boost has had unintended consequence as recent efforts by several Member states of the European Union to undermine the authority of the architect and thus, could also add, to the effective capacity of them to design civic forms. They have introduced national legislation that seeks to destabilize the architecture profession challenging its legal status. “

This was said in 1995. 21 years ago confirming that reality is anachronistic. That is, what happens today was already thought, conceived or planned long before. In this case the events of 2013 caused by reckless drafts of the Law of Professional Services are a good example of this. In all cases encourages a perverse and at the time, irrational desire for social destruction. “Collective does not exist,” he said at the end of the 70s a follower of Hayes. Same came to say Margaret Thatcher few years later. Of that hatred of the social, of that rabid love of individualism without restraint these consequences in the form of collapse of all social including beauty !.

Here the crisis Architecture enrolls, which only come out through the most virile democratic exercise (which would say Ortega) and the very feminine ability to get it because by the infinite strength of one who knows that the truth is on your belly and not in aristocratic nightmares. Architecture should be preserved because it is about the society mental health. Who will visit cities totally designed by greed without falling into dementia? What monuments, other than whoses to celebrate vanity, will be promoted by the holders of the wealth of all? What heritage will be preserved by those who see the ground a business opportunity and noble stones an obstacle to their claims bastards?

The crisis will end up with the help of youth. Young people may not know this, but are possessed of two powerful resources: open brains open to all possibilities and a libido that can distribute between love to the bodies and minds. From the latter must be born first chance to resist and overcome the attempt of a few to consume the efforts of all killing the material sources and the bases of aesthetic happiness. The times demand a compromise between beauty and compassion. This requires removing what hinders to open large metaphorical avenues, as he did with very different purposes and lasting effects the Baron Haussmann 150 years ago.